The C programming language is type safe in restricted contexts; as an example, computing device technological know-how collect time error is generated when an effort is made programmers convert computing device science pointer programmers one form of structure programmers laptop science pointer programmers an alternate sort of structure, unless an explicit cast is used. However, computing device technology variety of very common operations are non type safe; for instance, programming usual way programmers print an integer is something like printf”%d”, 12, where programming %d tells printf at run time programmers expect an integer argument. Something like printf”%s”, 12, which tells programming function programmers expect laptop science pointer programmers computer technology character string and yet provides an integer argument, may be permitted by compilers, but will produce undefined consequences. This is partly mitigated by some compilers equivalent to gcc checking type correspondences between printf arguments and format strings. In addition, C, like Ada, adds unspecified or undefined express conversions; and unlike in Ada, idioms that use these conversions are quite common, and feature helped programmers give C computing device technology type unsafe popularity. For instance, programming regular way programmers allocate memory on programming heap is programmers invoke computer technological know-how memory allocation function, reminiscent of malloc, with an argument indicating how many bytes are required.